Barbarian Invasion Blog 01: The Importance of Finding Producers

I don’t think I can made this film if I didn’t have Ming Jin as producer.

I am someone who has a lot of random ideas and my mind is usually quite scattered. Especially after I became a mother I could not focus on writing or reading. It is constantly of a mess.

Ming Jin immediately offered to produce the film for me when he first heard my idea. And then we consistently meet up in cafes, i will tell him my new scenes, and we keep talking about the stories, the characters, and bounces back and forth. It was really fun and things move fast this way.

老實說,我從2002年認識Ming Jin,同事多年,也一直是好朋友,但是從來沒有想過他原來是個好監製。他屬於那種建構型的創作者。了解敘事結構,人物塑造,可以輕易地拍出他完全沒有生活經驗的故事。
To think about it, I had never see Ming Jin as a producer. He is a good filmmaker, I often think he is the type of intelligent filmmaker who knows about film structure, who knows how to construct something that he has no experience with.

I am a filmmaker who relied a lot on my experiences. I think it was Aditya Assarat who made that remark, “Mui, you have too much life experiences.”

Meeting up with Ming JIn in random cafes, in SS2, Taman Tun,  Subang, or Kelanan Jaya..

Meeting up with Ming JIn in random cafes, in SS2, Taman Tun, Subang, or Kelanan Jaya..

It was also a happy accident how Ming Jin became my producer.

At first I was planning to produce the film on my own. So we shot something in July 2019 and then I want to go back again in December to shoot the other part of the stories. But I was quite lost.

In November Bianca was in KL, and I wanted to meet her. Ming Jin was there in the cafe.

I had always want to work with Bianca, so I told her this story I had been working on, even shot the part one in Phuket already. Ming Jin heard the story, and immediately offered to produce for me, even before Bianca said anything.

So on that day I found myself two great producers. And I was very happy.

We had 3 more coffee and lunch sessions in the next two months.

It is always nice to work with people you like. :)

Bianca Balbuena, Yin YuZhou, Tan Chui Mui, Woo MingJin